Microbiology For Technologists And Engineers
Editors: Zarina Zakaria | Rozaini Abdullah
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This book is a special gift from UniMAP lecturers to students in providing knowledge for their fundamental microbiology understanding. Microbiology subject for technology and engineering student is very challenging for the vast and wide microbiological knowledge and therefore this book is produced making it simple, concise and relevant to program scope. Starting with an introduction to microbes in Chapter 1, with a little historical background before detailing on microbe structure. Ability to observe the very tiny microbes is described on the technique, equipment’s and reagents used until the beautiful shapes, structures were seen in microscopy techniques in Chapter 2. Various types of bacteria and fungi been identified, classify and discuss in quite detail afterward under taxonomy topic in Chapter 3. Later, how microbes get their energy and how they spend that energy towards sustaining microbe population in the universe is elaborated in Chapter 4. The microbe’s growth continuity is well described in Chapter 5 where microbes physical and chemical requirement for growth in different culture conditions being discussed. Controlling microbes’ growth especially in conditions whereby their present is unwanted or may cause harmful is important and therefore is discussed in Chapter 6. Further on, chapter 7 is discussed by realizing that microbes have a lot of advantages especially in the preparation and preservation of food. Finally, this book is trying to showcase many advantages and benefits that microbes play all this while industrially for humankind in Chapter 8. Hopefully this small contribution will have an impact towards advancement of microbiology world.
ISBN (Print): ISBN 978-967-2829-54-6
Imprint: Penerbit UniMAP
Publication date: 2023
DOI: doi.org/10.58915/bk2023.001
Size: 6in X 9in
Price: RM49.00
Pages: 220
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