CHAIN OF KNOWLEDGE Redefining University Systems with Blockchain
Md. Aminul Islam, R Badlishah Ahmad, Md. Sharif Hassan, Md. Touhidul Islam
With the goal of completely changing our conventional systems, numerous technological advancements have emerged with the advent of the digital age. Among these, blockchain stands out as a transformational force, potentially reshaping industries, including the revered halls of academia. ‘Chain of Knowledge: Redefining University Systems with Blockchain seeks to bridge the chasm between the intricate world of blockchain technology and the rich tapestry of academic institutions. This book aims to demystify this technology, presenting it so that university administrators, faculty, students and stakeholders can grasp, appreciate and eventually apply.
ISBN (Print): ISBN 978-967-2829-98-0
Imprint: Penerbit UniMAP
Publication date: 2024
DOI: doi.org/10.58915/bk2023.024
Size: 6in X 9in
Price: RM52.00
Pages: 176
Discipline :