object oriented programming
Ziti Fariha Mohd Apandi, Syahrul Fahmy Abdul Wahab, Amiza Amir dan Hasneeza Liza Zakaria
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This book gives you access to the world of object-oriented programming. Beginning with an overview of the Java programming language, you will delve deeply into the fundamental concepts that underpin this powerful programming paradigm. Explore the fundamentals of Java programming, including identifiers, variables, constants and data types. In addition, it will help you master the art of selection, loops and jumps and gain full control over the flow of your codes. It reviews the fundamentals of data encapsulation, method definition and parameter passing, empowering you to write modular and efficient code. Discover the intriguing world of objects and classes and you will learn how to create robust and reusable code, from class definitions and constructors to object access via reference variables. This book additionally covers the Java library, highlighting its vast collection of classes and how they can enhance your programming skills. Master the concepts of inheritance and polymorphism, the relationship between superclasses and subclasses, method overriding and the visibility modifiers. With plain explanations, practical examples and a wealth of information, this book is your essential resource for becoming an object-oriented programmer. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, this comprehensive reference will guide you on your journey to mastering object-oriented programming.
ISBN (Print): ISBN 978-967-2829-84-3
Imprint: Penerbit UniMAP
Publication date: 2024
Size: 6in X 9in
Price: RM47.00
Pages: 149