Editors : Lau Wee Yeap, Cheah Yong Kang and Ahmad Farid Osman


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  • Statistics in Finance, Operation Research and Forecasting is a collection of chapters on finance, operation research and forecasting. These chapters enable readers to quickly identify their interests while looking beyond the sub-theme and exploring how these studies will impact society, industry, or policymakers. Malaysia has rapidly developed its financial market and undergone industrialisation in the past few decades. This rapid development process has created many issues and challenges, in addition to the shocks from the external environment, such as the Dot-com bubble of 2000, the Enron scandal of 2001 and the Global Financial Crisis of 2008-09. These external shocks remind us to understand our economic environment and ensure better banking and financial market governance. Rapid industrialisation also calls for better monitoring and governance of air quality and other pollution that may harm public health and safety. To achieve these goals, proper monitoring, data collection, analysis and measurement of prime indicators and there is where statistics is needed. These studies draw data from different sources such as equities, spot and futures markets, publicly listed firm-level data, pension funds and macroeconomic data. 

  • ISBN (Print): ISBN 978-967-2829-68-3

    Imprint: Penerbit UniMAP

    Publication date: 2023

    Size: 6in X 9in

    Price: RM55.00

    Pages: 155

    Discipline :