Anas Mohd Noor , Zulkarnay Zakaria
Available for purchase :
  • The book Microcontroller and Interfaces provides a comprehensive overview of computer and microcontroller systems, including their history and organization. The book provides a comprehensive guides of microcontroller programming, with a focus on the Arduino microcontroller using the Arduino integrated development environments. It also guides the reader through hardware interfacing of Arduino microcontroller, including input and output programming, Analog-to-digital conversion, timers and counters, communication protocols and interrupts. Additionally, it covers topics such as data acquisition systems, memory management and optimization, motor control applications and embedded systems design using the Arduino. The reader will also learn about programming concepts such as data and variables, arithmetic and logic operators, control statements, looping statements, functions and strings. This book is suitable as a textbook for an introduction to basic to intermediate microcontroller programming an ideal resource for those interested in learning about microcontroller embedded systems.
  • ISBN (Print): ISBN 978-967-2829-66-9

    Imprint: Penerbit UniMAP

    Publication date: 2024

    Size: 6in X 9in

    Price: RM68.00

    Pages: 226

    Discipline :